The Big C Club

Welcome to my new world of cancer benefits!  It seems once you’re pronounced dying of the Big C, everyone starts being friendly and concerned.  Just being old and poverty-stricken isn’t enough; once you enter the exclusive C-club, you can actually get a few minor perks to help you afford to stay alive.  A nun even helpfully called me–that was a first!  She actually told me I need to get more friends so they can drive me to doctors?!  Plus when the news eventually leaks, your Gkids suddenly love you!  But I exaggerate; it’s all good.  I think they were already warming up to me.

Since the last time I wrote, we had S’s official birthday party, and Shabbat.  I even got to go to a middle school play.  I baked a peanut butter and jelly cake for S, some new and familiar friends came over to party i.e. get a sugar rush, I slept over, and cleaned and baked challah and made Shabbat dinner.  I’m going over there again tonight, so A can get to go out.  Why do I even bother to come “home”!  Oh yeah, to catch up on sleep!  Throughout all this I’ve had the cold from hell lingering for a week, which is not fun, but y’know I’m a Jewish martyr, oy.  Plus Avdi has one of my favorite bourbons, er, medicinals.

Here are some festive shots.


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