The Passover seder reminds us that we were poor slaves escaping Egypt for an extended refugee camp existence in the wilderness. We had a slave mentality and crap to be purged of before we could handle freedom and responsibility. The Haggadah also tells us to open our homes and hospitality to others less fortunate, as we once were ourselves. I think we’re all still working on those values.
Being human, people I love are grappling with basic survival in a hostile world. It’s hard to rejoice when I know someone close to me is wrestling with impossible odds, and I’m not sure how to help. All I know to do is be here and care. There is no carefree when someone else is struggling.
But still, it’s erev Pesach, and we’re making a stab at it in our humble new TN home, keeping it simple and basic. However, my charoset remains the best (and drunkest). Some things can’t be compromised.