It’s annual sigh-of-relief day–IT is over for another year! Surveying the damage out there from the comfort of our peaceful, simple existence, I think we have the best deal of everyone. We avoided all the frenzy, fires, emergencies, shootings, confrontation, hangovers, debilitating debt, and piles of garbage. There are some compensations for being family-less and poor! And our leftovers will make an awesome Asian stir-fry.
Now to gear up for a new year of finding a new home. I’d say strangers in a strange land, but it’s taken. I suppose it’s some kind of weird poetic justice or karma that just as I’m finally coming full circle to the place my son was born, he and my family will be on their way out of there. Hard to keep up sometimes.
Anyway, here’s one view I won’t miss– the Dark Tower of Doom and the Black Lagoon of Sludge (deceptively white with snow). It pretty much sums up the bleakness of this state.