Medical bills keep piling in after I used up my coverage for the year. So much for that insurance. But I can’t afford to pay an even higher premium, or interest on a loan, however low. I’m already in debt to my son for thousands of dollars, and putting off additional procedures until next year.
So this is how it begins. What are they gonna do, throw me in debtor’s prison? I guess I’ll just stop going to doctors and die before they get their money! No mysterious rich nobility dies and leaves me a windfall, in this story. Stupid American capitalist “healthcare”.
But wait—there is some good news on another front–I finally reached my goal of 120 lbs! (120.5, to be exact.) This is a day for celebration. The last time I remember weighing 120, I was a young adult worrying I was gaining weight! So this is a milestone for me. At least I won’t be a Big Toothless Blob when I elude the system by dying before I repay my debts!
In more normal news, it was still raining (big surprise) at Avdi’s, but I managed to find the brief breaks in the deluge to walk there and back. I did erev preps and the usual chores. I even made a terrarium for Y. The garden is a wet bog, so nothing to do there. The flowers are loving it. So are the baby robins, with all the baby food.