Yesterday was S’s last day at camp. The experience has proved to be a beneficial success for S, with the great help of his counselor, Dom.
I spent the day prepping for Shabbat as usual. In addition to challah and chicken, I made a potato leek soup with leeks from the garden, and a Mediterranean tomato, feta, basil, and olive salad with tomatoes and basil from same.
Y seems to be in a more friendly mood toward me, so I took them with me to pick up S at camp. The mood didn’t extend to S, but that’s normal.
Jess was back from her latest trip, and came over and later joined us for dinner. Y and S went swimming with our neighbors Joyce and her daughter R. The house was temporarily kid-free! Poor Avdi was slaving over the nightmare project the pool has become, having given it a complete treatment and enema, surrounded by attack-mosquitos, in the extreme humidity. Lots of things in MO seem to be extreme, not in a good way.
Stacey and K and E were due in later in the evening. She will spend the weekend there, celebrating Y and K’s birthdays and hanging out with the kids. All beds were spoken for, so I went home. At some point there will be cake and I’ll join them.
I’m curious to see what the new dynamic will be with the kids back together and headed for three different schools. It may become even more complicated, with neurodivergent etc. kids adjusting to a whole new situation, not to mention the transportation strategy. I’m hoping things will eventually settle into a routine in which Avdi can get work done.
I just want to reiterate, my blahg is boring because it’s mainly like a personal journal of events, so I can look back and see the progression. I share it publicly just on the off-chance it may be of interest or amusement to my 2.5 [two point five] readership, or if nothing else, an insomnia aid. No deep thoughts here! Just an average mundane life with some eventful (to me), thought-provoking moments, and some people I love who put up with my slow evolvement. You’re welcome.