Yesterday I got to catch up with Stacey (the kids’ Mom), who had brought K&E back to Avdi’s. We had lots of catching up (and drinking) to do! Then we all had a belated and early birthday celebration for Y and K, respectively, with two cakes, “customized” by Y. And pizzas for dessert! I can’t speak for others, but I enjoyed just sitting and talking grown-up style. Since Stacey spent the weekend there, I could sleep at my apartment.
Things are gearing up for the school year, with lots of meetings and orientations all happening at once, so it may get hectic. Four kids with a buffet of neuro disabilities at three different new schools–what could possibly go wrong! The good news is, the older kids can sometimes briefly watch the younger ones at home if necessary, but I know I’ll be there a lot until things start to settle down into a new routine.
At least Avdi finally vanquished the evil pool monster, and got to chill with a beer for a moment. And I trust this uncomfortable FLAMO [Florida Missouri) mosquito-ridden sauna won’t last forever, and I can once again venture out into the garden.