Wheel of Fortune

I met my new replacement primary care provider today, and I really like her.  There is some concern over white blood cell counts, the kind that could indicate leukemia.  Hmm, I wonder if it runs in the family!  What variety might I have?  Not much one can do about it, but I’ll go to a hematology/oncology specialist (shades of my mother) and see what comes of it.  You gotta die of something!

A nice lady volunteer drove me there and back.  She was born and bred here, never left, so we talked STL trivia.  Go Cards.  (I had already arranged the ride before I knew I was getting to borrow the car.  So I get to meet a bonus person!)

I had another first today, though insignificant–I drove myself to Aldi for groceries, for a change.  (I really miss having a car.)

I had time at home to get a few items of business done, then later I picked up S from camp.  He continues to thrive there, and is learning how to follow directions and cooperate.  I’m impressed with the way his counselor understands how to patiently work with a neurodivergent kid like him.

I ran a drugstore errand for Avdi and myself.  My doctor has upped the dosage of my anxiety/depression meds, and I’m curious to see if that works.  The beginner’s dose I’ve been on is negligible.

I feel like I had a mini-vacation, but it’s back in the saddle again tomorrow.  Tomorrow night, Stacey will arrive in town with K and E, which will change the dynamic once again.

These are additional photos from this past week.  Just a hint of the coming of fall is in the air, bringing me almost full circle to my debut here a year ago.  It’s been a very full year of learning experiences.




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