Firsts here in STL will never be in short supply. Here’s one: my first time being head Shabbat baker and chef at Avdi’s. Someone has to do it! First we went shopping at two grocery stores, to restock for both of us. Then we both got down to our respective jobs.
I must admit, my first official attempt at challot here in STL was not bad at all. They rose like gangbusters and came out much more authentically than my previous attempts.
I also roasted a chicken “vermouth-essorie”, potatoes, carrots, and brussels sprouts. Avdi, K., and I had a pleasant time talking over a traditional Shabbat dinner. Then I spent the night, while Avdi went out. A rehearsal of sorts for the coming kid tsunami.
Yesterday (Sunday) Avdi and Jess came over and assembled the IKEA chest of drawers Jess had kindly bought for my office. We ate takeout Asian hotpot and rice, and they put the IKEA jigsaw puzzle together, while I upgraded my OS version, also a long overdue first in STL. They, and I, were all successful. Now I have actual furniture to put all my officey stuff in.
Today it’s off to Avdi’s to get back into a regular weekday work schedule pre-onslaught. Our work is cut out for us.