It’s thunderstorming, as predicted, and is the garden ever relieved! Which makes me happy; the air smells like fragrant new life, and I can feel the plants hydrating. I think just in the last five minutes, more veg seeds germinated! It’s rejuvenating to be surrounded by so much wild aliveness.
It’s also no coincidence that I don’t have as much writer’s block here at Avdi’s. Whereas sitting in a sterile apartment, cut off from nature and people, makes writing about remotely interesting topics a challenge.
Here, surrounded by easily accessible plants, critters, humans, the elements, and experiences, I’m in my natural habitat, which is both exhilarating and calming. There’s always a new discovery, and sometimes a challenging adjustment to absorb and master. In other words, an ever-evolving, dynamic situation. Lots of things for me to learn, help with, write about, and photograph!
This may not even be my last post of the day!