In My Elements: Earth, Plants, Sun, and Water

First, a correction: I think the little white native is Erythronium albidum, white trout lily, not Dodecatheon, shooting star, though they look very similar.  Here it is, opening up:

This next one isn’t a native, it’s a spring bulb–I think it’s Leucojum.  And here’s the first tulip of the season, in Avdi’s favorite color.

Next we have a ubiquitous native, Claytonia, spring beauty, tiny but lovely, and even more ubiquitous violets, which are covering the yard.

Here is a Pesach bouquet.  I remember this same time of year in the NE, scrounging for anything blooming in time for Pesach.  Here in MO, it’s just a matter of going out back and choosing from all the options on this summery day.  It was already 75 degrees early this morning.  It got into the 80s!  In early April!

This next one snuck in here stealthily, trying to pose as a native!  (Psych!–I voted in our latest local election.)

Much later…I think I outdid myself my first day out on the garden project.  I got on a roll and just kept on going until I was exhausted.

First I cleaned out and amended all the patio raised beds with a mix of garden soil, compost/manure, and some sand.  I started planting the herb beds (annual and perennial), leaving room for more of same plus later edible flower seeds.  I planted a section with insect-beneficial wildflowers, and one of mint.

I dug up and potted the potato plant, to make room for future cucumbers (they don’t like potatoes).  I planted a row of brassicas and other greens seedlings in the veg garden.

I prepared a permanent section (nothing to show yet) of the strawberry/prickly pear bed for planting asparagus seedlings (which are also perennials).  I weeded and watered and possibly left myself enough work for the rest of my stay!  Just kidding, there’s a ton more to do.  Though I may have already earned my keep!

Jess and Avdi were working hard all day here while I was gardening.  From all the expletives, and stress they’re under,  I suspect I may have had the better work day!

Stay tuned to more episodes of In My Element.






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