I am now officially encamped at Avdi’s for the duration. He’s at J’s for the night, then he’ll be winding down here for the next day or so, and embarking upon his journey, while I hold down the fort with K. I’m already scoping out the garden and planning my strategy. I hope to have it planted, productive, and pretty by the time he gets back.
The few plants left at my apartment, like my orchid in full bloom, and some younger hydroponic and other herb seedlings, are self-sustaining for now. Basically the operation and production have shifted to Avdi’s for the season.
I noticed the rest of the root veggies (parsnips, rutabaga) and leeks are showing in the veg garden. Also this is where all the exciting native action is happening. Did I mention bluebells?! I think I saw a white shooting star (Dodecatheon), I’ll look closer tomorrow. And the redbuds are in full bloom.
This is going to be Garden Central for the next week and a half. Resistance is Futile. Expect updates.