A return to John Bryan State Park (and Clifton Gorge) after so many years away would be significant and meaningful at any time, but this reunion was especially exciting and gratifying, because the state finally rebuilt the old crumbling bridge while we were gone!
Before we left Ohio, they had finally been forced to shut it down to foot traffic, making our favorite hiking loop impossible. So when we rounded a bend in the trail this time and saw the beautiful new bridge in all its glory, we were overjoyed (especially E). (Now if they could just rebuild the disgusting outhouse, our lives will be complete!)
Not only that, but many of the old disintegrating boardwalks and stairs had also been replaced and improved, so our hike past all the iconic natural landmarks in the cool, damp forest along the river was all the more enjoyable. Here are some of the old familiar and new improved highlights. So you see, something good came out of 2020.
Of course this called for a celebration at HQ (Ye Olde Trail Tavern), where we are now officially recognized as “regulars”! This was a two beer occasion! Appropriately enough, they had a Tröeg’s which hopped me up. Pictured is the second, a Belgian, by which time I was properly schnockered (that’s how lightweight I’ve become)! Yay Ye New Bridge!