Yesterday I created a new garden on the shady side of the house under walnuts where nothing will grow. It turns out hostas and certain other shade perennials and natives will do well there, so I transplanted a dozen or so from the “woods path” to there. I figured since we already have them, why not use them more effectively. Later I’ll add more walnut-tolerant shade natives and perennials to fill it out. It looks like nothing right now, but it’s one more excuse for me to live ’til spring and beyond!
Turns out I wasn’t imagining it about my Anthem health insurance being crap. The healthcare network I’m in, Mercy, said this in a notification: “We’re deeply worried about the wrongful denials and unnecessary delays in patient care, created by Anthem, which can have a dangerous impact on your wellbeing. This approach shows that Anthem is more focused on profits, rather than patients.” They’ll probably end up dropping Anthem and considering it out of network. Then Anthem announced it won’t be offering my plan next year. Hmm. I was already planning to choose a new insurance company anyway, but now I feel vindicated.
The veg garden is still putting out, and most of the new seedlings are doing well, so I’m hoping this temperate MO fall weather will extend the garden’s productiveness into late fall. Then I want to bury it in compost and organic mulch from the yard, and eventually till all that in, to build up the soil quality for spring. Meanwhile I need to come up with a whole new plan based on what the family will actually use.
Well, back at it. Who’s my next victim!