Life Gets Real

This post will take a different turn than usual, because life suddenly got too real yesterday.  My dentist was working on the final stages of the implant process, which is very complex, and unexpectedly hit me with a huge bill that I couldn’t possibly pay now or ever.  (I had already run out of even enhanced dental insurance coverage for the year on stage one of the procedure.)  Long story short, my son came to the rescue on short notice and let me use his credit card.  I had never expected or intended for it to come to that.

I’ll save my tirade about how on earth can anyone, especially older people on a fixed income, afford dental care in this country, for another time.  I’m still too in shock, and trying to find a way to repay Avdi, which will take years on my income, while still managing to pay my basic bills.  Maybe I’ll have a few dollars left per month for routine medical or necessities.  I’m not exaggerating!  I’ll put off other procedures I need until next year, with new insurance.  Now would be a great time for a windfall, but we’re talking reality here.

Anyway, life happens and moves on.  I’m one of the fortunate ones.  I’ll just try even harder to earn my keep and not let this latest setback discourage me.  I just hate that it’s also another setback for my son, who has too many already.  This is not who I want to be.

OK, enough self-pity; here are photos, including E’s birthday, their penguins, and my chipmunk friend sitting for his photo just inches away.




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