More Rotations, More Fluctuations

We’ve gone from igloo weather to early spring flowers busting out in just a few short days.  Tonight will be 38 ° and tomorrow 73°, in case you doubt STL’s claim to fluctuation.

I’ve planted a few more indoor flats of veggies, which are already popping up.  I’ve alerted The Avdi’s crew to the opportunity to make money rototilling the garden.  If those aren’t signs of spring around the next corner, I don’t know what is.  I’ve made up my mind to live to see it!

Due to several complications, the kids may not be spending the whole summer either at camp or their Mom’s, which throws another wrench in the works for Avdi.  I may have to conjure up endurance for the both of us.  No respite for the weary.



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