I spent the morning hanging out with S, playing, and even watching (livestream) the unrolling of the entire Torah scroll across the sanctuary and out the door of CRC for Simchat Torah, complete with klezmer band. It’s always a fascinating spectacle, like your history flashing before you. Avdi got a chance to just chill without even having to break us up.
E had taken over the kitchen baking more huge batches of delicious cookies. I caught a moment to drink my coffee in the sukkah. It was actually cold out. K on his own initiative has volunteered to help mentor and supervise kids in his free time to work toward earning free two-year community college tuition, which is impressive. That’s in addition to all his other extracurricular clubs and activities. Y has been unusually quiet, even reclusive.
I’m back home now, with the window wide open, and probably with S’s cough germs, but I figure by now I should be fairly resistant to all those typical routine bacteria–even the Feared Tardigrade! It’s the big contenders I may have to brace myself for. I’m in that pre-bad news ignorance everyone wishes they could return to, so I’m enjoying it while I can.