As of now, I believe Mom’s burial has taken place in a proper and reverent manner. We all are hoping to be able to travel and reunite for the unveiling within a year, to pay our respects. It’s a strange, remote feeling, but at least Mom was taken care of appropriately, thanks to the efforts of my brothers, and a considerate rabbi.
I’m borrowing Jess’s car for the week, so I was able to drive to Avdi’s today and do lots of necessary garden maintenance, which helped keep my mind occupied. It’s looking pretty orderly out there, and ready to receive tomato plants at the right time. It’s better for me to be here helping Avdi out, so he can concentrate on work, but still have someone around.
When we picked up the car yesterday, Pixie the Cat was unusually sociable and playful, even talkative, so I got my kitty-fix in the deal.
It’s one of my Gkid’s birthday today, so there’s something happy to report. Soon they’ll be joining us here, which is something to look forward to and plan for. I think all of us are a little nervous about this major life change, but it will be worth it, I’m sure of that.