The Privilege of Simply Surviving

Happy Rosh HaShanah, the Jewish New Year, to those who observe it.  L’shanah tovah, to a good year, or at least better than it’s been, a pretty low bar!  The horrors of the past and present years are too many and too brutal to reiterate.  Just ordinary mundane surviving sounds pretty good right now.

I suppose it’s appropriate that our move back to Ohio and closing on the TN house fell right smack in the middle of High Holy Days.  It’s like one more chance to start over in a less medieval place.  We have one final round trip drive down there tomorrow to wrap things up, then that unfortunate chapter is over.

It wasn’t all bad; I got to see my son and grandkids occasionally, before they all migrated to other states themselves.  Once again, we’re all shuffled and scattered across the map.  COVID just threw an additional wrench into the mix, another layer of separation and isolation.

And we’re some of the fortunate ones who could save up and move when the going got tough, unlike victims of Hurricane Ida or refugees from Afghanistan.  Even if they wanted to leave their ancestral homes and families to be strangers in a strange land, they couldn’t plan or afford it.  It puts our predicament in perspective.

Speaking of perspectives, from Misu’s point of view, after recovering from the trauma of moving, this is a wonderland of nooks and crannies and high windowsills to explore.  Here she is overseeing the ‘hood from “her” office.

And speaking of ‘hoods, happily, this is a very “diverse” (for lack of a better word) neighborhood in many ways.  The only demographic not well represented is critters.  I’ll have to remedy that.



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