On the Move

You could say I had a good excuse for not posting yesterday–we signed a lease online for a house in Ohio.  The process was stressful, but the worst is over.  We’ve secured a decent place to move to.

It will cost almost twice as much as our mortgage payments, but we were fortunate to even find a rental right now, the way real estate is so hard to come by, so we grabbed it.

As soon as we finish the final repairs, gutter installation, and cleanup, we’ll put this house on the market, and watch the vultures swoop in, as all indications predict they will in this current market.  Meanwhile, we’ll be commuting between TN and OH to finalize everything and schlep belongings to our new place.

Needless to say, I have very mixed feelings about this expedited move, but it’s necessary and logical, and will give us an adequate base of operations while we take care of business in Ohio for the next couple of years.

Aptly, new flowers, including blazing red Tithonia (Mexican sunflower), and assorted delicate pastels of Delphinium/larkspur, are putting on more of a show each day for us, and hopefully for the future owners.  It’s a fitting grand finale to our time in TN.  The veggies are following suit, coming to fruition in a big way.  This is just the tip of the harvest.



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