Erev Anniv.

Tomorrow marks our 7th year together.  Here are some suitably festive photos.

We have:

a skink being menaced by a cicada,

a Misu decadently lounging on her expanded orchid-less sill,

a bee loaded down with pollen,

some bleeding hearts,

brownies by E and See’s from The Bobs (we love you),

a rose campion blooming dark pink,

an iris,

and the CA rock garden looking fabulous.

Year of the Living Dead Cicadas

I’m still sad, but no better way to distract myself than to tick off more garden jobs.

I sorted and cleaned up the remainder of the tomato seedlings for hopefully pawning off on the neighbors, and same with the tropicals.  (The orchids went to Avdi, so they’re accounted for.  Misu now has the whole windowsill.)  I also gave my son lots of tomato and pepper plants to take home.  Now I just have a few herb seedlings to plant.

Then I took my native tree/shrub seeds out of stratification in the fridge, and potted them up.  To review: paw paw, persimmon, witch hazel, serviceberry, and elderberry.  Now I just wait for them to germinate, divide them up into individual pots, give them time to acclimate all season, and then decide what to do with them, now that the original plan has changed.

I forgot to mention, I served the first harvest of salad greens to Avdi while he was here.  Much of what I planted came up, but grudgingly, as the soil is still like concrete (clay and rocks) despite my best efforts to improve it for the last few years.  That’s one aspect of TN I won’t miss.

Another is these damn cicadas!  The shrieking buzz gets louder each day, and the creepy corpses pile up underfoot!  The Horror.  What was nature thinking?!

Here’s what’s happening in the garden, besides mowing and cicada heaps:







Just Another Day in Paradox

Yesterday my son dropped by one final time on his way back to St. L., where he’ll have the kids for the summer, so no more visits here for a while.

The funny thing is, now that I’ve actually seen and hugged him in person for the first time post-vaccine, it seems harder to let him go now.  During quarantine, I almost got used to (or resigned to) being apart for literally whole years at a time, in addition to being separated by hundreds of miles.  Now that I’ve had the relief of being reunited, only to have to let him go for who knows how long, it seems sadder, more isolating.  But happier and more hopeful too, having had the chance to spend a few hours together catching up.  I guess it’s a paradox.

Whenever next time can happen, we’ll either be on our way back to Ohio, or living there.  At least we’ll all be somewhere in the midwest!

Here are some pleasant memories to sustain me until we meet again, including walks in the “prairie”, gaping at the cicada horror (covering the ground like thick mulch), and Misu exhausted after her fun adventures with Avdi.  The orange poppies are in his honor.



VaxMax Celebration with my Son

Words don’t even…I’ll let the photos speak for themselves.  It was a relief and pleasure to be able to hug my son and spend hours together.  Misu was thrilled to see “her boy” again.  Avdi also helped us move the obligatory giant file cabinet to the shed, and we gave him some furniture and books.  It was a very good day.  I hope we’ll be able to visit him in St. Louis soon.


Dereliction of Duties

My garden will have to get along without me for a while longer, ’til I kick this discomfort.  The rabbits are pruning it and the cicadas are mulching it, without my help.

Misu seems to be feeling under the weather, too.  She’ll be happy to see “her boy” tomorrow, as will I.  Here she is relaxing on her windowsill.  It doesn’t get much more chill than this.


The Mummy’s Back

In case anyone missed me (I know right?) I’ve been physically out of commission with back/etc. pain, but I’m almost back, pun intended.  I haven’t been able to do anything outside, hence no photos until now.  Everything out there is covered in cicada carcasses, like a creepy mulch.  Even for this wildlife fan, this is a little much.

I did eventually get some more filing done, so that’s progress.  The recycle/shred mountain is mounting up.  It almost (not quite) reminds me of my parents’ filing nightmare, which is disturbing.  That’s how analog and old school I’ve been up ’til now.  I would never want to pass this job on to anyone.  Fortunately much of my current stuff is digital now.

Here are some photos to make up for lost time.  Hopefully minus cicada corpses.  All that’s missing is my son, who plans to visit this weekend!  It’s been a long time.  So much to catch up on.





I finished planting the veg annex with tomato and pepper plants.  I just need to find space in the main veg bed for the few eggplants that made it.  Then hope the !@#$ rabbits don’t eat it all.

The other morning I looked out and saw Skunkbunny and all his wild cousins hiphopping around like they own the place.  They just lounge around and look at me.

I’m also apparently the local feral cat lady–they all know where the food is!  Only they don’t seem to eat large rabbits, or even deter them.  What good are they?

The price I pay for attracting wildlife!  I just hope somebody will eat all these piles of cicada corpses.  They’re basically harmless, but it’s like a mass grave out there.  At least they contribute lots of nitrogen to the soil!

Here are some of the latest colorful bloomers, representing natives, tropicals, flowering shrubs and trees, perennials, and whatever else came back.  Since we’re leaving the state this year, I’m no longer on my mission to replace everything with natives, but I can still enjoy what’s here.  I’d say I accomplished a lot, considering the “before” picture.  I turned a boring barren lot into a variety of gardens surrounded by native trees, and a semi-native meadow of wildflowers, grasses, and trees, where wildlife could find food, water, and shelter.  What happens after us is not my problem, but I hope the new owners will appreciate the potential.

Flowering Up

Here’s Misu being adorable as usual.  All the loud power tools don’t bother her a bit.

E is busy working on final carpentry and painting touches to the bathroom, and other jobs.  In between, she found time to bake the weekly challot, and mow the whole property.

I planted some of my many tomato seedlings in the veg annex, and hope to complete that soon.  Then I have to find room for the peppers and eggplants in the main veg bed.  (Photos later, when it’s done.)

Lots more flowers keep appearing after all the rain.  I’m constantly amazed at some of the plants that survived and thrived.  I might as well enjoy them now, before I’m out of here.


Floods and Plagues

Once again it seemed to rain for 40 days and nights, so there was nothing for it but to get more files sorted.  I think I managed to reduce the mountains of old papers by half.  I still have to finish refiling/disposing of, but the end is in sight(?).  What was I thinking, all these decades of saving crap?!  Still, better downsizing now, while I still can.  I learned that the hard way from my parents, sorting through their lifetime of papers alone.

When the deluge paused long enough to go outside, this is what I found: a plague of cicadas literally covering almost everything.  They just sit there, completing their 17-year cycle of dormancy, reproduction, and death.  It’s the creepiest thing.  I’m not sure even the other critters want to eat them.  But the plants appear to be none the worse for wear.

Of course, the raging rivulets washed rows of newly sown seeds downstream, but that was to be expected.  It’s an uphill battle (not to mix metaphors) growing anything in this concrete clay, but I’ve given it my best shot.  You’d think this land was cursed or something!  But it won’t be my problem soon.

Still, we managed to avoid the latest unprecedented wave of tornadoes in the south.  And the inches of rain didn’t hurt all the weeds and flowers.  Here are some, amazingly not covered in cicadas.

After Effects

Two days after our second shots, E is feeling the effects more than I am, but all in all, not too bad.  I decided to just ignore mine and work in the garden.  Skunkbunny was back, just mowing clover a few feet away from me, without a care in the world.  I got the next section of fence bed sown with miscellaneous leftover veg and flower seeds and seedlings.  I’m getting closer to finishing off the main garden jobs, so I can turn my attention to sorting files and belongings.