Keeping Madness at Bay

It’s kind of sad but gratifying at the same time that the most COVID-compliant store around here is “BoozeMart” (Total Wine and More).  We went early to avoid crowds and restock for a month or two, and they required masks and distancing, with signs all over the place, sanitizing, curbside pickup, etc.  Everyone had a mask, and checkout shields up.  It was such a relief, after dealing with all the non-enforcement and indifference elsewhere.  If only I could just live on booze!

The upside of lockdown is, we’re getting lots of things done around the house.  E is building and installing more wooden kitchen components, and I’m slowly cleaning up the garden.  I think I do it for my own therapy and peace of mind, as well as aesthetics and plant health.  Keeping the immediate surroundings in order helps keep the sense of world mayhem at bay.  Here are some of my latest improvements, and next wave of seedlings.  Also E’s best homemade pizza yet, with a thick, fluffy dough and simple toppings.

I’m happy to report, not only do we have hummers, but I sighted my first large blue-and-black butterfly of the season today.  I was starting to get worried, along with many other observers, about the absence of butterflies this year.  I’m growing many of the plants they need, but even those are taking a long time to get up to speed in the conditions here, despite all my efforts.  Hey, it gives me some incentive to keep working at my objectives.  It’s not the worst problem to have!

Here are some of the more successful outcomes.

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