Night of the Living Goats

So many goings-on, so little time.  I’ll try to recap the highlights.

S is in Michigan, visiting his mom on his school break, so it’s very peaceful and much less stressful here.  I’ve been getting a workout cleaning up the landscape.  It actually rained, after a month or so without, so back to warm and muggy for a day, but a relief.  I planted some pak choi, tatsoi, and cauliflower in the veg garden, filling every available space with cool weather crops.  I planted my tree saplings, sycamore and catalpa, along the woods path.  I continued to clean up around the two sheds and compost area; now those spaces are open and usable.  Flowers and cool-weather herbs are thriving in this cooler weather.

We (Avdi, Jess, E, Y, and I) went to Grant’s Farm’s spooky Halloween tram ride extravaganza.  Built by Ulysses S. Grant, the farm has been the home of the Anheuser-Busch family, the Budweiser Clydesdales, and hundreds of diverse animals, most notably the herds of goats, which was the most entertaining part of the evening.  After they let you off the tram, you take bottles of milk into the large goat pen and get stampeded by adorable baby goats!  I found myself under a pile of them!  There is no way to be depressed in a pen of goats!  Even Avdi was grinning, in his element.

Then it was erev Shabbat, and I did my thing, while Avdi and E prepped a delicious dinner.  I helped Y create a “secret” cave down in the “crypt”.  E baked cookies after dinner.  Much later, I got “home” and collapsed, in a good way.




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