Another first! I drove J’s car to a store to pick up some food items for K, then to my apartment to check in. I dropped off and picked up stuff, including plants for Avdi’s, one of which was the latest hydroponic herb, oregano, which I potted.
It was weird being in my apartment after all this time; I felt like a stranger passing through. Driving a couple of miles there and back seems like no big deal, but for me it’s like getting back in the saddle again.
I drove back to Avdi’s where I seem to live now (!), and got back in the garden. I planted the cucumber, watermelon, and asparagus seedlings in their respective locations. I mixed up more soil mix for later potting of herbs and veggies for J. I hoed weeds around the veg perimeter. And I watered everything in.
Lots more native flowers are coming out, like phlox, jack-in-the pulpit, native coral honeysuckle, trillium, and tree flowers like an impressionist painting against the sky.
Later, I made a Mexican dinner for K with all the trimmings. I even got to talk to some of the other Gkids online. I feel so domesticated.