Eye Candy and BBQ

First of all, how can I possibly eat these adorable little birthday perfections from Jess?  They look like beautiful glass or porcelain art!  I guess I’ll just admire them for a while, then decide.

We had a very pleasant Shabbat at Avdi’s.  I made some of my “secret” recipe BBQ chicken in the slow cooker (hint: it was good).  I made another perfect (if I do say so, but A&K backed me up) batch of challah.  Also some roasted vegetables.  Then A and I watched our Expanse episodes, before he went out, and I spent the night.  I actually slept well and slept in!

I’d like to say I got plenty of exercise going up and down the stairs, and walking around the yard, so I think I will!  I know I ate well.  And got my socialization.  This morning I listened to Sufi devotional music while burning incense (and drinking coffee), if that counts for med.  And I even finally finished Maya Angelou, “I know why the caged bird sings”.  Now I’m reporting in.

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