BBQ Days

My son spent the night and erev with us, in between trips to other cities.  It’s always nice to catch a glimpse.  Good excuse to barbecue chicken on the grill.  Any excuse to play with fire!  Misu was pleased to see her “boy” again, as was I.  As he was on “her” bed, she moved into her “office” with the computer on the washer.

Some new and repeat flowers are blooming, including a red and gold gaillardia (I think).  There was a hummingbird moth on the butterfly bushes.  Also what I believe was a tiger swallowtail butterfly (yellow and black), but it didn’t want its picture taken.




Here’s our new hi-tech multi-functional BBQ grill!  Improv by E.  Misu approves of her new gazebo.  Did I mention I’m a pyro?  FI-UH!

Too bad my eggplants and squash did mostly zilch this year, or I’d be grilling them.  I can’t even grow a cucumber.  These tiny sugar baby watermelons are making a valiant effort.  I do manage to harvest tomatoes, banana peppers, and okra out the wazoo daily.

On the other hand, the invasive honeysuckle vines (established before we moved here) are out of control, but they still do smell sweet.



Close to Home

I’m pretty speechless, and it’s all been said elsewhere anyway.  A mass shooting per day is one too many, but I’ll just say this one in Dayton, Ohio comes closer to home–E’s home for decades, and mine for years.  We have friends there.  You have to be cold and stupid not to see our racist gun culture has been allowed to go too far, with Trump and his mob fanning the flames of violence.  I’ll just leave it there.

It seems thoughtless to post mundane life-as-usual photos when the world is disintegrating around you, but here and there life does go on.  Today I installed a better boardwalk down the middle of the meadow, snaking around wildflowers and trees.  I think I saw a monarch, finally!  Then E mowed.  It was none too soon, because suddenly the sky opened up with thunder and heavy sheets of rain.  The field is now like a wetland.

Veg Wars

The good news is, I was able to grow some corn this year.  The less good news is, all the immature ears are getting eaten by critters before we can try any. The varmints actually have the audacity to set them on E’s bench and have a picnic, practically under our noses!  I’m glad I can provide free corn to the ‘hood.  Apparently it was delicious.

On the other hand, nobody seems to want all the okra I seem to be able to grow.  The stuff can’t be stopped!  I turn my back for a minute and it’s huge.  It must be happy to see me.  Whereas the easiest thing in the world to grow, zucchini and other squash, won’t produce this year.  It flowers profusely, then nothing.  This soil must be toxic.  I have to work on that.

Still, there are always flowers.  And I get tomatoes every day.  Even an occasional pepper.  All things considered, not too shabby.



Nightshade Lanterns

While looking at pretty coneflowers and balloon flowers, I noticed these adorable lanterns on the poisonous deadly nightshade plant.  These are related to ground cherries and tomatillo, which are edible.  Likewise, the attractive dark berries of pokeweed are toxic to us, but not to some birds.  On the other hand, E’s fabulous savory pie is quite edible.