Yesterday, after helping a friend of ours in Dayton with some electrical installation, Rex took us out to Carillon Brewing Company. Here they brew craft beers and bake breads from scratch, just as they did in the 1850s. A guy was actually roasting barley grains to just the right brown color over an open fire. He told me all about the process, and gave me a taste of their latest sour porter straight from the barrel. We ate samplers of German foods and drank flights of their current seasonal brews. You can see the carillon bells outside. What a great place!
We are thankful for the few real friends we’ve been able to make lately, to fill some of the void while we “transition”. (Note his two cats smushed together in a box in the kitchen.)
Today E baked a yummy apple-nut cobbler from scratch. I’m still harvesting lots of tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, and flowers. And trying to banish all the alien demons dampening our spirits this week. Happy erev. Life must go on.