Today we went to our second meeting of Ohio AIDS Coalition, newly renamed Equitas Health. This is a group of people starting up a one-stop clinic from the ground up, to meet the desperate medical needs of the LGBTQ/AIDS community in the Dayton area. They are especially making an effort to reach out to the under-represented, misunderstood (even by gays) Trans community, for whom very few medical professionals are even available or trained. They are in the process of hiring primary care physicians, dentists, and other specialists to be accessible under one roof to anyone in (or out) of this under-served population.
This is a very needed and worthy cause, so we have been attending as laypeople with deeply personal experience with the lack of medical care and insurance coverage for the T community. The people we’ve met are very genuine, pleasant, and dedicated people, educating themselves and other professionals in order to offer appropriate, affordable healthcare. It’s a way for E to put the struggles she has experienced to good use giving back in some way to others going through this difficult journey.
(Also, bonus, they had pizza! And a guy made awesome peanut butter cookies! How could we resist?)
Here are a few photos of the Dayton area. It’s a tiny, rundown city, as cities go, but here and there some decent folks are trying to make a difference.