Yesterday E made perfect whole wheat bread from scratch. She followed that act by taking her life in her hands and trying fish. Her baked cod and chips came out excellently. I am now officially a lazy freeloader! This could become a habit. Proof of bread photos below. The fish got gobbled too fast to take its selfie.
It attempted to snow outside. Emphasis on attempted.
E is practicing training her voice, which lost even the narrow range it had after the surgery. She loves the Beatles, and I love my iPod for just such emergencies! It works for both of us. 😉
All my seeds arrived yesterday, from Annie’s Heirloom Seeds and Seed Savers Exchange! So exciting! If we have to stay here for another year or so, might as well make the most of it. I’m going to turn the yard into a garden of native wildflowers, perennials, butterfly/bee/hummer/bird-friendly plants, native herbs, and heirloom veggies. Just doing my small part to save endangered wildlife from extinction here in Ohio.
I know this post is a hodgepodge, which is the story of my life. Happy Mardi Gras! Good excuse to drink! A votre santé! 😀