Defying Odds

I spent a couple of days at home recovering from my fall, then felt like a slacker and got back to light work at Avdi’s.  I may have overdone it.  Or maybe I don’t do enough.  I try not to play the “72 with cancer and anxiety issues” card.  Disingenuous and lame.

It still hurts to do the simplest things, but whatever.  The garden needed help in this excessive heat wave.  Heat indices have been above 100° for much of the week, with no rain.  It’s one extreme or the other, in MO.

Plus there was erev Shabbat to prep, and Y coming back from overnight camp.  Apparently it went well.  Life is back to “normal”.  Avdi continues to be overwhelmed.  We persist in what must be done, even when there’s no relief in sight.

E baked Y this excellent Shrek cake.  This amazing Chioggia beet came from our garden.  In fact, half the meal came from garden greens.




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