Bougie Days

So much to report in so little time!  Yesterday I earned my keep at Avdi’s, getting lots done.  I moved some plants to “my” spare bedroom, checked in on the little green babies downstairs that were just starting to sprout, learned how to make challah using the bread machine, switched out a cabinet of miscellaneous old cookware for Avdi’s brand new set, cleaned up the kitchen and dining room, made a Mediterranean chicken dinner, and other jobs.  Jess came over for dinner; later they went out, and I spent the night at Avdi’s.

This morning, we decided to go to CRC.  It was a big weekend there, hosting the artist who designed and created their beautiful mosaic floor, their new Torah cover, and many other works of art.  She’s a Jewish Indian (Bene Israel) from Mumbai who later lived in the NYC area.  She collaborated with her friend Rabbi Susan Talve to create the multicultural mystical mosaic circle, among many other art achievements.  I got to meet both the artist and Rabbi Susan, an honor.

After services, Avdi showed me the St. Louis Art Museum, which was impressive.  In the main lobby is the very striking holocaust sculpture, “Breaking of the Vessels”, by Anselm Kiefer.  It symbolizes Jewish learning, Kabbalah, persecution, and Kristallnacht (1938), with shattered glass extending out from it.  We explored several of the  galleries of world ancient arts, just as an introduction, then grabbed a bite.

And now, back to the infamous habits:

Exercise: lots of it doing chores and going up and down stairs.

Cookery: a healthy Shabbat dinner of Greek-style chicken, salad, and brown/wild rice.

Socializing: I actually met/re-met some people and talked to them.

Meditation: I include this because I found some of the CRC service very meditative (which I wouldn’t normally use to describe my past Jewish experiences, but this is different).

Reading: continued my Maya Angelou reading at Avdi’s.

Writing: for once, lots to write about!



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