I’m still here, just reverted to my “fixture” role, since J, C, and later last night A returned home. It appears everyone either enjoyed TG or survived it, respectively. Before that, I cooked my last meal for K and me, Mexican-style black beans and rice, which he liked, and my drink, appropriately, was tequila and citrus sparkling water with lime. I also wound down my cleaning spree accordingly, and returned to the basement accommodations.
Now I’m just here as per our new M-W-F schedule, occasionally cracking the metaphorical whip to help keep Avdi focused on his priorities, or performing a minor office job when needed. In other words, in “idle”, awaiting further usefulness. I wonder if my apartment is still there, and if my seedlings have terraformed it. There may even be aliens. Stay tuned for the next excruciatingly boring episode…