Live from “Egypt”

Reporting live from an Egyptian pyramid, a.k.a. the kitchen, where escape plans are in full swing.  They think I’m submissively cooking, but really I’m hacking away at my cuffs.  Here’s evidence:

The completed Seder plate, in all it’s superior charoset glory  [E confirms that my charoset is the best charoset], with guards:

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A potato/carrot/matzoh meal kugel, N. African-spiced:


There’s also an herb and wine chicken, hiding somewhere in the oven.  And a fresh roasted vegetable (asparagus or zucchini/yellow squash), to be decided.

And last but not least, no serious “seder” would be complete without the now-infamous comedic work, The Mahabaggadah, or, Waiting for Elijah  (he meant that, anyway), or, Indiana Jones and the Bread of Affliction, by Avdi Grimm, a.k.a. my brilliant son (whom I miss).  You had to have been there.  Rolling under the table.  It was a good time.


More later, after I make my escape.  Meanwhile, enjoy this most historic of Pesach quotes, “Oh it’s so gorgeous out, what am I doing in the kitchen, I haven’t been out of here in days, I’m not doing this next year!!”  ;-D

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