Victory Speech

Our dear fellow constituents,

Thank you for all the good vibes, you know who you are.  Something actually went without a hitch, for a change.  E’s old alias is a thing of the past, and her new name (need-to-know basis) is official.  We’re still in a daze.  All that’s left to do is some follow-up paperwork with all official parties.  And the best part–it appears that she can even get her new name and gender change on her birth certificate, something we are especially relieved about.  Now all her records and background checks will reflect her accurate identity, not send up red flags.

After the court hearing–in and out, no problems, a happy moment(!), we took care of paperwork at SSA and the health department, then headed to (where else) Yellow Springs for a small celebration.  Our usual tavern was still closed for renovations, so we ate at another favorite, Williams Eatery.  Then we stocked up on some liquor and some fancy coffee beans at the Emporium, and came home to fill out papers and drink to it.  Tomorrow we make the changes at the DMV, send official forms, start making the necessary business phone calls, and wait for documents to get processed and sent.

This is like a miracle, after all the setbacks and disappointments.  Now she won’t be humiliated every time she needs to present identification or do business.  The major transition is behind her; now we just wait to rebuild her credit record and savings, and move on.  Thanks again to our loyal, supportive family and friends.

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