I can’t help much with all the frustrations Avdi is going through, but I can make up for it with mad spring cleaning and organizing skills. Chief among the projects was sorting S’s room, which is (for now) much more accessible and orderly. Also, I reorganized Avdi’s books onto additional shelves, recycled stuff, raked leaves, did countless laundry and dishwasher loads, picked up kids, helped prep dinners, did general housecleaning, and took care of the seedlings. And of course did erev preps.
S had his final day at his current school, where they gave him a sendoff. He’ll be riding a school bus to his new school. He’s been doing much better at self-regulating and accomplishing routine tasks without meltdowns.
We’ve been reveling in the beautiful spring weather and flowers. Even Avdi found a brief moment to sit outside and read.