Back at Indian Mound

We hiked through Indian Mound, along the river, and into the deep green moss-covered rock “fort” as I call it.  There were lots of water fowl, including a Mallard couple cruising a rain-pond in the woods, and evidence of freshwater shellfish.  The early wildflowers were abundant, growing right out of the big mossy boulders.  There were bloodroot, hepatica, spring beauty, trillium, harbinger-of-spring, and dutchman’s breeches, to name but a few.  Masses of ramps covered the ground.  The restored cabin appeared to be finished.

The river and “fort”:


Ferns and fungus:

Ramps and the “duckpond” (couldn’t quite capture the ducks):


These are either the wildflower marsh marigolds, or the invasive lesser celandine, not sure:

The cabin:



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