It was a balmy 45 degrees, so we braved a walk at the fen, and were not sorry. We actually saw a muskrat jump into the water, and a fat young beaver sitting doing something on the edge of the stream. There were a few of us standing there watching and commenting, but Mr./Mrs. Beaver just went about its business. There was a large beautiful woodpecker right next to us. Here and there were some confused skunk cabbage buds poking up out of the snow and ice, and the water plants and algae choking off the waterway (no doubt due to agricultural runoff) were still green. People were out walking dogs. You could almost imagine a distant spring returning the graveyard to life. I’ve included ‘Frankenstein’s Tower’, just for atmosphere. And to think, it’s Tu BiShvat in Israel, celebrating trees, which are in bloom. And balmy in L.A., of which my brother is helpfully reminding us. 😛