Random Forces of Nature

Once again (knock on wood) Tennessee seems to have been bypassed (for now) by the disastrous wave of catastrophic, destructive tornadoes and storms slamming and flooding the plains, midwest (including tornadoes where we lived in Ohio), and heading northeast.  Major historic records have been broken…again.  There were more extreme tornadoes in one week than in an average year.  A trail of devastation reaches across much of the country right now, while here in TN it’s merely broiling and rainless.

I feel fortunate but yet anxious, knowing no one is immune or protected from the effects of climate change.  It could happen in a flash, with little warning, and everything is gone.  So I’m very mindful of the randomness of nature, even as I admire and respect it.

Here are Misu and Joey duking it out for porch turf, with lots of yowling.  (Misu won, of course.)  Then she took up her cool guard position under the porch.

New flowers continue to astonish.

These are leek flowers…

…and these are allium flowers.

Both are in the onion family.  One is a humble vegetable, the other is an ornamental bulb, but the similarity is striking.

Nature is the ultimate paradox, order and chaos coexisting.



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