Welp I’m back, on my brand new shiny MacBook Air. Did you think you could be rid of me that easily? Heheheh [evil laughter]. It was sad to let go of my faithful old mac of 10 (!) years, but it was overdue. I was able to trade it in toward the tech support/warranty, plus it will be used to help rebuild new laptops for needy communities, a worthy cause, not just dumped in a landfill. So long may it run in its next incarnation. Here are the old and new macs. This one shall remain sticker-less (so I say).
I even managed to set up my new Canon printer and connect our laptops through wifi, not easy for the tech-challenged, so we’re back in business printing/scanning/copying. It only took us a whole day.
Outside, it’s cold and snowing!! Here’s the view from Misu’s enclosed patio (where I have my herbs and mixed salad greens sprouts coming up). She and I are still getting used to this northern climate again. Down south it’s like 20 degrees warmer, one of the few things I miss about TN. Back to going dormant for the winter.