Windows and Views

In case you haven’t noticed by now, life is a constant process of readjusting and accommodating.  If you don’t adapt to changing reality, you give up and die inside.

Obviously, the happy scenario I had hoped to be a part of here changed drastically overnight, but our plans had been made, so here we reside for the duration, and we make the best of it.

I can either resign myself to a bleak future, or I can make the most of the opportunity and potential for alternative scenarios up ahead.  Nothing is permanently engraved in stone except death and gravestones.

Every morning I have to fight the anxiety, depression, and dread I wake up to, and just proceed.  Sometimes that’s all you can do.  Being from my background, my collective history is never far away.  Fate could have made me a concentration camp victim, or a deported refugee, but instead, I have all the basics I need, and family I love nearby for now.  I can avoid the local nazis.  You have to keep perspective.

Revelations can be as simple as the view from my own office window of fields full of songbirds, critters, wildflowers, and trees.  Trees!  (Remember, Ohio was one big flat cornfield with a few birds who had survived all the decades of toxic ‘cides.)

It can be watching the tomatoes and veggies finally coming up in our own garden, in our own yard.  Or looking forward to any time I get to be with my son and grandkids, and witness them maturing and finding room for hope in an uncertain world.  Maybe all of life really boils down to that, after all.

Here are some views out of open windows.  Note the squirrel making himself at home on the feeder.



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